I could have swore that I was just talking about the Halo Mega Bloks Charlie Series blind bags a couple weeks ago, but it turns out that it was over six months ago that I posted the Charlie Series Code Number List. Time flies, huh? Anyway, the fact that it’s been a full half year since the last Halo Mega Bloks figures series was released can mean only one thing: it’s time for a new wave of blind bags: the Halo Mega Bloks Delta Series code number list is as follows…
After the Halo 5: Guardians video game came out, I got distracted (by playing) and fell behind a bit on my Halo toy news coverage. That’s why my eyes almost bugged out yesterday when I was walking through Target and my eyes chanced upon a new case of Mega Bloks Halo blind-bagged figures that I’d never seen in person before: the Mega Bloks Halo Delta Series!
There was less than half a case of blind bags left by the time that I came upon it, but thanks to the ones I purchased–and helpful comments left by readers–I was able to piece together the full series list!
The Halo Mega Bloks Series Delta Codes Number List is as follows:
Halo Wars Brown/Green UNSC Marine A04095ES
Orange EVA Spartan A01095ES
Gold Protector Spartan A02095ES
Purple Imperial Grunt A07095ES
Black Storm Elite A05095ES
Pink Hermes Spartan A09095ES
Promethean Snipe Crawler A08095ES
Ultra Rare:
White Flood-Infected Spartan A10095ES
Translucent Red Spartan Protector with Forerunner Railgun A11095ES
Translucent Blue Elite & Gold Protector A12095ES
As usual, the code numbers are either printed or embossed on the side of the back of each Delta Series bag. If you look at the top side of the package above, you can see the number A05095ES, which denotes that the figure in this blind bag is the Black Storm Elite Sangheili figure.
I haven’t found any of the Gummy Bear figures yet myself from this series, but readers have let me know that A11095ES corresponds to the Gummy Red Spartan Protector and A12095ES is the Gummy Blue Storm Elite. I imagine that there are one or two more Gummis out there, but I don’t know what they are at this point. Feel free to chime in if you find them, though!
And if you find a new batch of codes near you? Yup–please leave a comment and let us know what you’ve found so that we can continue to have the most complete code number post around! Your fellow Halo collectors thank you for it!
Have you found the Halo Mega Bloks Delta Series yet in your area? If so, let us know what state/country you’re located in so that we can track this latest series of blind-bagged figures as it travels across the United States (and the world!)?
were are they at
how much are they
I found mine at Target, $3 a piece.
I got one flood A10095ES
series 85
Spartan Kelly.-A26085ES
Spartan Protector.-A20085ES
Black Elite.-A22085ES
Spartan EVA.-A19085ES
TRANS Red.-A28085ES
TRANS Blue.-A29085ES
series 95
Spartan Kelly.-A09095ES
Spartan Protector.-A02095ES
Black Elite.-A05095ES
Spartan EVA.-A01095ES
TRANS Red.-A11095ES
TRANS Blue.-A12095ES
need help i have 3 bags here,
i can not find any info at all on the “05es” series
Flood A10095ES
Anyone notice there is no 03 or 06? Possible extra gummies? If anyone is interested, check out my instagram @soundwave765 or my YouTube channel for the new Delta figures
Keep up the good work on this web site. !!
hey again guys
heres what i have found so far in VIC Australia
a08105es —– black elite
a09105es —– purple grunt
a10105es —– crawler
need the codes for the flood and gummies baaad please help fellas
Its not kelly. Same armour wrong colour
Hi, I’m also in VIC trying to find gummies and the pink guy.
I can confirm that the Flood is 13105. Hope that helps
Hi guys if u want the code for the pink hermes it is
if u want the orange spartan EVA the code is
hey guys i have 100% got all the codes i got a full box and i got every figure exept the translusints ok so i will start with the code for the pink hermes
Bye and again good luck with ur packs and good luck trying to get the Red trans ans the Blue trans… Please follow me on instragram Treydono
Rare=Pink Hermes= A12105ES
Common=Orange EVA= A05105ES
Common=Yellow Protecter= A06105ES
Common=Black Storm Elite= A08105ES
Common=Purple Grunt= A09105ES
Ultra rare=Infected flood spartan= A13105ES
Rare=Silver crawler = A10105ES
Sorry guys!!! i didnt get the 2Trans so i dont know there code but i told u all the codes for the other Figures good luck with them and could u please thank me for telling all u guys the codes beacause that would really make my day??
Compiled a list of 05 series codes from a few different sources. The Delta bags haven’t been released in my area yet, so I can’t test to see how accurate these actually are.
Brown UNSC Marine – A07105ES
Orange EVA Spartan – A05105ES
Gold Protector Spartan – A06105ES
Purple Imperial Grunt – A09105ES
Black Storm Elite – A08105ES
Pink Hermes Spartan – A12105ES
Promethean Snipe Crawler – A10105ES
White Flood-Infected Spartan – A13105ES
Haven’t found any references to 05 codes for the gummies yet. Sorry.
Red translucid gummie is code A014
What weapon does the elite gummy have ?
Plasma pistol
Halo Mega Bloks Series Delta Codes Canada
Pink Hermes Spartan Kelly R 26085, 09095, 12105
Gold Protector Spartan 20085, 02095, 06105
Black stom Elite 22085, 05095, 08105
Halo Wars Brown/Green UNSC Marine 21085, 04095, 07105
Orange EVA Spartan 19085, 01095, 05105
Promethean Snipe Crawler R 25085, 08095, 10105
Purple Imperial Grunt 24085, 07095, 09105
White Flood-Infected Spartan UR 23085, 10095, 13105
AC Red Spartan Protector M 28085, 11095,
AC Blue Elite & Gold Protector M 29085, 12095,
I found more in Utah:
Orange EVA Spartan A02115ES
Black Storm Elite: A05115ES
Promethean Snipe Crawler R A07115ES
Pink Hermes Spartan A09115ES
White Flood-Infected Spartan: A10115ES
I bought two packs from target and got The golden protector spartan and the UNSC marine.
can anyone point me to the names of retailers who stock any of the halo blind bags as all of our local tescos have discontinued to stock them thanks
I’m guessing you’re from the UK? Smyth’s definitely has them, just bought some from the Charlton store, some branches of toys r us have them as well.
Smyths seems to be the only one that has plenty of them. Some Toys r us have them, not all. My local one is still stocking the Charlie series.
its a normal unsay railgun not forerunner
05 chasers
AC Blue elite gummy15105
AC Red spartan gummy 14105
i just found a box of echo series in south Australia. i got these :
a09016es purple scout spartan rare
a08016es white common spartan
a11016es brown jackal rare
a12016es ultra rare arbiter
Echo series cont.
a04016es common mkV orange spartan (noble 6)
a05016es common SAW Grey marine
a06016es common oceanic green spartan
a07016es common ranger elite red
Heads up! They changed the numbers! The damn bastards! I saw a bunch of A04- bags and I grabbed them. Instead of Marines, I got Black elites!
New Elite numbers are A04125ES
When I went to my Walmart the delta series on the packs were changed. So I’ll try and write down the codes if I can.
A05125ES – Grunt
A04125ES – Black Elite
A07125ES –
A08125ES –
A09125ES –
A02125ES –
A03125ES – Marine
A07125ES is the Promethean Sniper Crawler
A09125ES is infected flood Spartan. Anyone know what the tummies are in the 125ES series?
I meant tummies, and my name is Jouse!
Anyone interested in trading a red AC for a blue AC??
New code! Blue elite gummy is A12115ES
I have been looking all around NSW where I live and I haven’t found even one Delta series pack could someone tell me where I can them in NSW Australia
Fisrt time buying one of these. Went yo Target and i got Storm Elite and the Red Spartan gummy in the same pack. Is that normal?
Yup! There’s a time-honored tradition of the Gummys often being packed with a bonus figure. =D
I found a red gummy with black elite
Does anyone know anymore 25 codes