It’s been a little bit slow on the Halo toy news front following last week’s Thanksgiving holiday in America, but the news keeps on rolling in from Europe! As more and more collectors in the UK acquire their Halo Mega Bloks Series 6 Mystery Pack blind bags, some of the codes for these series are starting to come to light, so I’ve started up the Code Number List page here on Halo Toy News to share the codes and make everyone’s buying experiences that much easier.
Remember, as of now, this set has only been found internationally, so when the Mega Bloks Halo Series 6 Hero Packs start to hit in America, the codes will very likely be different. We’ll add codes from all countries to the list just as soon as the Halo Series 6 figures start to hit in force in America and elsewhere.
If these figures haven’t hit your area yet or you want to order certain characters or a whole set without the hunt, there are plenty available for sale online right now.
For now, here’s the start of the Halo Mega Bloks Series 6 Mystery Packs figures codes list:
Covert Ops Grey Spartan EVA — A03092MM
Tan UNSC Marine — A04092MM
Purple Spartan EOD — A05092MM
Gold Spartan Mark V[B] — A06092MM
Cyan Elite Combat — A07092MM
Covenant Grunt (Copper) — A10092MM
Covenant Jackal — A11092MM
Red Spartan Grenadier — A12092MM
Clear Lime Green (AKA Mountain Dew) Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A13092MM
Clear Purple Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A14092MM
Clear Blue Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A15092MM
For more information on the Halo Mega Bloks Series 6 Mystery Packs, check out this post I wrote when the set was first spotted at retail earlier this month.
Also, I’ve gone ahead and posted a new poll to gauge the interest in this series of Halo Mystery Packs figures and see just how the popularity of the figures in this set match up. Personally, I voted for the Jackal, as I’ve been wanting to army-build those forever–but I’d be lying if I pretended that the wacky-colored clear Active Camo Elites figures didn’t have a certain charm to them. Which is your favorite Halo Mega Bloks Series 6 Mystery Packs figure?

They should make the monitor with different colors. I like the md elite its awesome cuz it comes with green plasma rifle. But please make an oracle.
If they made an oracle it would be ultra rare
I think the figure is supposed to be blue. Series 5.5 had the black ( covert ops )EVA.
What about the 52 codes???
Wow ,that poll is a bit desorganized last Saturday the EVA was 16% 30 votes I think..
And now EVA has 10% and 29 votes…
mabe someone changed there vote oh wait I did
The codes really work
Where do you look for the number on the package?
The codes are embossed on the left side near the edge, on the back of the packets – can be quite hard to see. Hope this helps 🙂
Just opened a A17092MM = clear/purple elite w/ plasma rifle + Tan UNSC marine w/ battle rifle.
I bought all 3 14s (active camo green elite) I found but out of 3 boxes their was not 1 blue or purple ac elite? I was pissed to say the least. I also got the ultra rare red spartan and the 2 rares but honestly my favorite besides the ac elites is the cyan elite!
I’v got my first series 6 a tan marine! 🙂
Nice i got the purple active camo elite 🙂
i got the yellow mark V spartan, pretty freakin sweet 🙂
I got the ultra rare without code checking and I o it all to my dad om my bday
Where can you get these in the UK?
if u read the description under the elites it says they are working on them
tescos is where i found mine 🙂
I’ve found them at my local tesco 24/7 or asda superstore – if you’re looking for the rare active camo elites – I suggest going to a superstore which is open till late, as this is the time they restock the shelves, and always remember to check behind the box of mini figures, as a couple of times I’ve found a fresh box hiding behind. As a result of this tactic I’m only missing the blue active camo elite 🙂
Can anyone tell me what the A17092mm code is for? I am affaid to open it.
I have 2 of the a17 I’m giving them to my son for Xmas . So if anyone knows what’s in it Lmk or ill try and post once he opens 1 of them
A17092MM is a Purple Elite,Mine had a extra figure in it.
A17092mm is the clear purple elite combat figure. But it also comes with a tan marine ( the pack includes 2 figures.)
The purple active coma elite that how i got mine 😀
Just left Wal Mart in Colorado with A17092MM and A12092MM.
First code was clear purple elite combat with a yellow marine
Second code was red Spartan grenadier.
I got a A17092MM and it was a clear purple elite combat with a bonus tan marine
I picked up the clear lime and purple Elites at a Canadian Walmart. Both included tan spartans. Not the most exciting, but a bonus is a bonus! Same codes as listed above.
Also got the red Spartan. Thanks for the code list!
i think i got a purple clear elite but i didn’t open mine yet 🙂
wich is rarer blue eod or purple eod???:)
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
anybody gonna reply???????????????????? 🙂
I opened a 14-92 pack from walmart, it was a blue and the code above says it should be purple. Only reason I opened it for my son, was I already have a 17-92 which is supposed to purple.
Will the codes be different in American stores, or will they stay the same?
would these codes be the same if i buy the toy from a store in australia?
help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks to having the codes I got a blue ac elite code a14092mm in Australia
Yes, the codes work in Australia and thanks to them I got a blue ac elite the code was a14092mm whilst I was there I also got a grey Eva a03092mm and a eod spartan a05092
thats good as. one more question which shop did you buy them from and how much were they? thanks for your help
Well I bought them in FRANKSTON Victoria.
which shop were they from?
and thanks for your help
The codes won’t be the same cause in America the yellow mark 5 dude is the 06 but in Australia it is the 11
Spartan mark V .11
Jakal .16
Grunt .15
Cyan elite .12
Purple eod spartan .10
That’s all i know so far hope it helps
I got them from Coles
Why do all clear elites coms with desert marines?
dunno i think the series 5 extra figure was better the green spartans are very old so people want more of them i would prefer if the extra figure was a little bit more exciting even if it came with a grunt as an extra igure i would be more happy
cool figs but make a active camo elite general
thanks for the codes i got a jackal and grey EVA
same here. it said it was supposed to be a clear elite but i got a blue one weird
?????????????? 🙂
anyone have a good christmas 🙂
Thanks for the codes. I like the lime green elite and jackal there so cool .
They are now in big tesco stores across the UK
my dad is getting me the grunt,cyan elite, and the purple active camo elite
I got a A14092MM at Target today and it came with a blue active camo elite w/plasma rifle and the bonus figure was a tan UNSC Marine (basically, the UNSC Marine on the series 6 packaging)
as I said before I’m getting the blue elite and grunt and cyan elite
When it will arives in Quebec? Plz tell me if u know. Thanks
Are the UK codes different? I’m struggling to find the codes on the packaging! Please help.
Already got a purple elite & Mk V yellow spartan 🙂
To my knowledge, the UK codes for this series are exactly the same. The codes should be embossed on the side of the back of each bag, but you have to look carefully or else you’ll miss them.
embossed on back lefthand side, fainter embossing than previous series packs ive noticed 🙂
just opened 3 packs with different figures, then realised the end digits were different *facepalm*
a16102mm is jackal
a15102mm is grunt
a12102mm is cyan elite
hope that helps 🙂
forgot to add: tescos in the uk 🙂
I screwed like you A12102 was e cyan elite,A16102 was a Jackal,A19102 was a Blue Active Camo Elite with extra figure.
What is the red grenadier
a 10 102mm is definitely purple eod
08 is grey and 11 is gold ive been informed by a friend 🙂
a17102mm is red spartan
a22102mm is clear purple and marine
i love my missus when she goes out shopping and thinks of me 😀
09 is marine 🙂 now to find the other coloured elites…
a18102mm is the clear lime or mountain dew elite.
What is the clear blue 102mm code?
goin to take a guess and say higher than 23, as the figures are in the same order as previous number order 🙂 when my local stores get a new box in i’ll check 🙂
i was wrong. 19 is blue 🙂 i just need 18 then i have the whole set 😀
A19102 is the Clear Blue with Extra
I can confirm the following… I have a feeling that the Camo Elites are going to be more random going forward but who knows. The bonus Marines do have the corresponding SN’s on their bases. Might have something to do with retailer as well.
Clear Lime Green (AKA Mountain Dew) Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A13092MM
Clear Purple Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A14092MM
Clear Blue Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A14092MM
Clear Blue Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A17092MM
Red Spartan Grenadier — A12092MM
Gold Spartan Mark V[B] – A06092MM
Clear Purple Elite Combat plus Bonus Figure — A22192MM
Red Spartan Grenadier — A17102MM
And yes, I found a Purple AND Blue with the same serial numbers.
One more thing,
Grunt – A16102MM
What is all the people doing now
The new batch of numbers popped up at my Walmart in Cali. 17102mm. Fora red grenaadier.
A02013MM – UNSC Spartan EVA
A03013MM – UNSC Cobalt Marine
A04013MM – UNSC Spartan EOD
A07013MM – UNSC Sparten Mark V
A08013MM – Cyan Covenant Combat Elite
A09013MM – Copper Covenant Grunt
A10013MM – Covenant Jackel
A11013MM – UNSC Spartan Grenadier
A15013MM – Clear Blue Elite w/ A03013MM
A16013MM – Clear Purple Elite w/ A03013MM
If you plan on getting the Clear Elite Models I would suggest skipping on the A03013MM model since you will get this model already in all 3 (or 2) of the Clear Elite models. I say 2 because I only have 2 of them. It wouldn’t make much since for them to leave the Lime Green Elite without the extra model with it but I can’t confirm that it has it positively.
I couldn’t find the Clear Lime Green Combat Elite at the store that I got mine from. I found these at Fred Meyer and thought that anyone that found ones with the A**013MM tags would appreciate this.
thank you for these i found a whole bunch with these codes at a local store.
i also found the clear green its code is:
A14013MM hope this helps anyone.
Clear Purple Combat Elite – A22102MM – Found at Walmart. Double packed with Cobalt Marine.
The box was loaded with A16102MM & A15102MM – The box only had one mystery and one ultra rare red Spartan Grenadier code A17102MM
UNSC Spartan EOD – A10102MM
UNSC Cobalt Marine – A09102MM
Both found at Walmart
Is anyone interested in trading 1 blue active camo for a purple and a line green? Please?!
I would be.Thats for a Lime AND Purple right? Any other stuff? I’m looking for the following…
Series 1 Green UNSC Spartan II [Common]
Series 1 Active Camo UNSC Spartan II [Ultra Rare]
Halo Fest Spartan
Halo Fest Active-Camo Jackel
Halo Battlescape Active-Camo Brute
How can I contact you personally? I will give you 2 purple active camo and two lime active camo. I apologize, but do not have the others you seek. However, I will give you, as well, the cyan covenant elite and a UNSC spartan EVA, along with the extras that came with the camo’s. that’s 10 figures for the one blue active from series 6. Deal?
are you uk based nelson?
No, I’m on the east coast, USA.
Hi, I have an extra blue camo elite. You will trade the 2 purple and 2 green for it?
shame, otherwise i would have traded blue for green, as i only need green to complete 🙂
Nelson you can add me on Facebook or email [email protected]
i am a big halo fan but i have a play station 😛
Sometimes my friends call me a nerd. XD
i like elite because it comes with another figure but g-nader is super rare
A massive thank you to Halo Toy News – finally manged to complete series 6!
The blue active camo elite took me an age to track down, but thanks to the codes listed here I’ve finally found one 🙂 can’t wait for the summer release of series 7!
Ok. Just went to Walmart for baby food and found a Mountain Dew camo under, what is for me, a new code: A14013
Does anyone want to trade a series 5 red or blue camo for this one?
If anyone in the USA wants to trade for a series 6 blue camo let me know.
Do you have the stealth black from 5.5?
I do, I have a extra stealth black and also an extra blue active camo elite. I need the purple elite and any series 1 or 2 figures or halo fest figures
Would you be at all interested in trading your 5.5 stealth black for a 5 smoke camo and a series 6 lime camo? Plus, I will throw in the original 5 ultra rare; pink air assault.
I do have 1 common series 2. I’m at work right now.
I have an extra blue camo elite, smoke camo spartan, and black aa ultra rare from 5.5
Looking for a purple elite or series 1 and 2 characters
I have an extra blue camo elite, smoke camo spartan, and 5.5 black ultra rare aa for trade. I’m looking for a purple elite, or series 1 and 2 characters
It’s the copper flight that I have from series 2. What is your email address?
You can email me directly at [email protected]
I unfortunately have all of those lol. I have the pink, smoke, and lime, I really only need the purple elite or series 1 and 2. Do you have that? I thought you mentioned it above. I would also need the copper, but obviously not for an ultra rare. Also I’m in the USA as you requested
Hi, I’ve got a spare purple elite, but I’m in the UK, i’d be happy to trade, my e-mail is [email protected] just drop me an e-mail if your interested.
The only extras I have are one copper flight from series 2 and the lime and smoke from 5 and 6. Sorry that I don’t have more.
M15 series has changed on the more recent deliveries. M17 M20 and M22 are purple blue and green active elites. 15M is now the copper grunt.
Just got back from Walmart and spent a good 20 mins looking through the 4 boxes. The first three matched their codes shown above but the others weren’t the same. The colours in quotes just represents what they are listed as in the above list.
UNSC “Tan” Cobalt Marine – A04092MM
UNSC “Gold” Spartan Mark V – A06092MM
UNSC “Red” Spartan Grenadier – A12092MM
UNSC “Covert Ops Grey” Spartan EVA – A080102MM
Covenant Jackal – A16102MM
Copper Covenant Grunt – A15102MM
Gold Spartan III Mark V – A11102MM
So I got two jackals but the code on both says ax969786 so are the codes for the others right btw in am in the us
I’m in Mexico, i jus bought a tan Marine but the code is A03013MM
Anyone know of the -033 codes? I picked up a A13033MM that feels like 2 figures from Walmart.
Just bought a mystery pack at Wal-Mart. Code A11033MM is a jackel.
Thanks! Then I bet the A12033MM is the Grenadier and the A13033MM is the lime green AC Elite.
Do you know what the UNSC Sparten Mark V 33MM code is?
Just got one today. UNSC Spartan Mark V is A06033MM.
So I got a cyan elite today, but for some reason, it came with two left upper thighs, but the rest of the figure is correct. He now looks like he’s QWOP-ing. Any way to get the correct right leg?
I bought a Purple Spartan EOD and it came with two full left legs.
So I’ve gotten almost all of this series so far I’m just missing the Blue clear Elite and the gold Mark V. The codes were different where I buy them instead of 92MM they show a 33MM so I’ve had to kind of figure out the codes for here in America.
I found of that the Covert Ops Grey Spartan EVA isn’t code A03092MM it’s a A01033MM which confused me at first and I didn’t find the Covenant Grunt (Copper) through A10092MM I found it as A08033MM
I’m wondering if these are the only ones that’s different then posted here.
Does anyone know the America code for the Gold Spartan Mark V[B] ? ? ?
Gold Spartan Mark V[B] code – A07013MM
Isn’t A07033MM the Cyan Elite Combat?
I got the last two series 6 packs from Walmart the other day and both of them had the Mark V [B] with the code 07013
Really? Well then I guess i’ll have to at least try that code and see if I get the Mark V
Shane, I have an extra Mark V if you have anything good to trade for it.
Shane. I have an extra blue elite as well.
I don’t know if I have anything good to trade for it
Do you by any chance have a series 4 green marine?
I have two extra series 4 green marines. Are you talking about the cyan elite from series 6, or the blue elite combat from series 4?
All I need is a purple elite. Anyone have an extra?
I need to get the Gold Mark V [B] but I haven’t found one yet.
I now have a third Gold Mark V [B] if you’re still willing to trade
Yeah totally but it depends on what you’d trade it for?
Send me an email at [email protected] and we can try and work something out
I have an extra blue, Mountain Dew, and purple elite from series 6, as well as an extra gold V. I need an original green marine from series 4.
Send me an email at [email protected] and we’ll see if we can work something out
I have an extra blue elite, smoke marine, and a black ultra rare from series 5.5. I’m looking for an purple elite. If you want to try and work something out you can email me at [email protected]
Just got back from my local Walgreens
Copper Grunt- A08033MM
Purple Spartan EOD- A05033MM
UNSC Cobalt Marine- A04033MM
Where are the codes on the pack when I look for them the only thing similar to the codes are these that the first 2 letters are ax
They are along the side on the back. They are stamped, so they are hard to see, but they will always end with MM
A14033MM is blue a five camo and A15033MM is purple active camo. The lime green guy still eludes me.
Clear Lime Green (AKA Mountain Dew) is A13033MM
at long last i finally got the red grenadier spartan thanks to these codes and havoc for telling me where they are
No problem brother. Let us know when you guys get sights on series 7. I haven’t seen anything new in WV for quite some time now. The last new item here was the cyclops.
Eric. Do you have all of series 6?
Anybody have an extra Arbiter?
Great list I got
mark v gold
stealth eva
cyan elite
tan marine
purple eod
I used the code for the red grenadier and got a cyan elite :/
Are you sure you read the code properly? Sometimes the numbers embossed on the bags can be hard to read, but the codes are literally usually 100% accurate.
I have an extra red grenadier, so email me and we can work something out. If you need a referance, ask Sal, about 1/3 the way up this blog.
Recommendation given. This guy is the man. Let me know if you want to email me for more info, I’m happy to provide it
Series 6
Covert Ops Grey Spartan EVA — A03092MM, A02013MM, A08102MM, A01033MM,
Tan UNSC Marine — A04092MM, A03013MM, A09102MM, A04033MM,
Purple Spartan EOD – A05092MM, A04013MM, A10102MM, A05033MM,
Gold Spartan Mark V[B] – A06092MM, A07013MM, A11102MM, A06033MM,
Cyan Elite Combat — A07092MM, A08013MM, A12102MM, A07033MM,
Covenant Grunt (Copper) — A10092MM, A09013MM, A15102MM, A08033MM,
Covenant Jackal — A11092MM, A10013MM, A16102MM, A11033MM,
Red Spartan Grenadier — A12092MM, A11013MM, A17102MM, A12033MM,
Clear Lime Green Elite Combat w/ Tan UNSC marine— A13092MM, A14013MM, A14013MM, A18102MM, A13033MM,
Clear Purple Elite Combat w/ Tan UNSC marine — A14092MM, A17092MM, A22192MM, A16013MM, A22102MM, A15033MM,
Clear Blue Elite Combat w/ Tan UNSC marine — A14092MM, A15092MM, A15013MM, A19102MM, A14033MM,
“A14092MM AND A17092MM can be either Blue or Purple Trans and no way to tell the difference.”
Wow! Strong work man!!
bueno primero que nada soy nuevo comentando en esta comunidad y quisiera decir que con respecto a los códigos encontré un código que no aparece en esta lista y es A10043MM desconozco la figura pero lo vi hoy en HEB estanzuelaaun no tengo la serie 6 perotratere de conseguir todos los codigos que no aparecen en las listas para que sean agregadoscomo debe de ser
I got the red grenadier
Got the cyan combat elite on my first opening off of amazon. I like the coloring of it. You see I get lucky for every series I get almost. Series 6 I get the rare cyan elite, series 9 I get rare imperial grunt, series alpha I get Spartan Gungnir and half active Camo brute stalker, series bravo I get halo 2 marine with secret rare Spartan JFO, Charlie series I get rare grunt, delta series I get white flood infected Spartan, echo series I get rare purple Spartan scout, and then foxtrot series I get green Spartan copperhead with secret rare master chief statue. As you can see good luck
In my opinion, this is one of the most Bad*** series that came