CODE NUMBER LIST: Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 Codes 2014 Mystery Packs

Thanks to the shocking early release of the 2014 Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 blind bags mystery packs in Australia, we can now begin compiling an official list of Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 codes! I don’t expect these blind bags to hit in full force in most countries until January 2014, but at least we can get a Mega Bloks Halo Series 8 codes list going now, so we’ll be ready when these do arrive in stores!

2014 Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 Blind Bags

As of writing, only one country in the world–Australia–has reported receiving the Halo Mega Bloks 96978 Series 8 Mystery Packs, so these code numbers below may or may not be compatible with the releases when the Mega Bloks Halo Series 8 figures reach the United States and other countries. This post will be updated as new sequences of code numbers show up in stores, so don’t despair if the numbers you see when the Mega Bloks Halo Series 8 blind bags hit in your area don’t match these.

The known codes for Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 Blind Bag Mystery Packs are:

Orange Spartan HAZOP  (Common) — A07103MM
Green Spartan Operator
  (Common) — A08103MM
Promethean Crawler (Common) — A09103MM
Red Covenant Storm Elite  (Common) — A10103MM
Purple UNSC Spartan Mark VI (Common)– A16103MM
Promethean Watcher (Rare) — A14103MM
Gold Spartan Air Assault (Rare) — A15103MM
Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier (Ultra Rare) — A11103MM

Looking at the figures that make up this assortment, I can already tell that the Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier is going to be the most popular figure in the set, as well as being the Ultra Rare figure. Isn’t that always the way? Truly, though, this is a great assortment–I can’t see any figure in this set being genuinely unpopular and selling poorly. Thanks to the Repacked Podcast for being the first to report on the newest series of blind bags being released!

As always, if you find Halo blind bags with different code numbers on the backs of the bags, please leave a reply and let us know what figures go with which codes so that we can continue to have the most comprehensive list of Halo Mega Bloks codes anywhere on the Internet!


CODE NUMBER LIST: Halo Mega Bloks Series 8 Codes 2014 Mystery Packs — 69 Comments

  1. Hey Dabid,are there any crazy coloured figures in this series? I’m actually starting to get worried…
    (I miss crazy colours.)

    • Unknown thus far. Intuition says that there should be, but I haven’t heard or seen anything to indicate there will be gummi-bear colored figures in Series 8. At least, not yet.

      • I have seen one eBay auction which contained a Smoke translucent Elite Zealot. To answer your question, yes there will be…probably 3 or 4, to boot. I still need the Orange Storm Elite from Series 7…have all the others…

    • Hi!
      The case seemed completely untouched when I found the pack, and I got one of every code, so if there are any of the crazy colours, they must be in only some boxes – not all of them.

  2. Australia first country to receive series 8?

    I Live in NZ, and Australia is the largest country near us, And we Probably won’t get any thing till the END of 2014.

    I mean, Most only 1 store in my area has got series 7, And only got it in a week or so ago.
    Guess If I want these gonna need to get a Case of them from baboys…..

    • I hear you I live in NZ southland and I’m only Just starting to get the Cyclops.
      They should really start shipping to NZ sooner.

      • Check out Harvey Wholesale, they are the distributors of Halo in New Zealand and their website is a good indicator of what is available to ship to retail. Wave 8 is listed

  3. Found A 21st MM which contained Red Elite and a clear green Spartan. Sorry I don’t know them well enough to say which version.

  4. Just went to Toys R Us and they had a brand new box out! I got every single figure, including the only Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier! All codes listed so far correspond to the correct figure. I didn’t find any mystery figures

    Toys R Us United States

    Orange Spartan HAZOP–A07103MM
    Green Spartan Operator—A08103MM
    Promethean Crawler–A09103MM
    Red Covenant Storm Elite–A10103MM
    Purple UNSC Spartan Mark VI–A16103MM
    Promethean Watcher–A14103MM
    Gold Spartan Air Assault–A15103MM
    Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier–A11103MM

    • Just came back from a Target in Chicago and found a new box with every figure. The codes are different.

      Orange Spartan HAZOP – A04113MM
      Green Spartan Operator – A05113MM
      Promethean Crawler – A06113MM
      Red Covenant Storm Elite – A07113
      Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier – A08113MM
      Promethean Watcher – A11111MM
      Gold Spartan Air Assault – A12113MM
      Purple UNSC Spartan Mark VI – A13113MM

      • Thanks to your list I was able to find a mystery figure at Toys R Us!

        Purple Spartan Mark VI w/ Translucent Smokey Grey Elite Zealot – A14113MM

  5. There was a new box in my TRU, got all but ultra rare and mystery. Codes worked, thanks!

  6. Just found 3 of them at my local toys r us, 2 were the same, I ended up getting the crawler and the operator. Really nice figures but they seem a little more “rubbery” to me…at least the crawler’s legs did, but seemed easier to put together than the last series.

  7. first of all thank you everybody or the codes so far, i managed to get all 8 normal figures already and found a new code to help some of you
    smoky translucent elite zealot with purple spartan: A17103MM
    good luck to everyone else.

  8. Thank you for all the codes, i got all 8 today and will now look for the other numbers you have listed

  9. Strangest thing happened today at a TRU in WV. I found an entire box (24 count) of series 8 and every bag was tagged with 07. To set somewhat of a control, I purchased 3 and sure enough they were all orange hazops. Has this happened to anyone else?

  10. Went yesterday to tru and was able to get the translucent watcher w/ hazop and the ultra rare warrior.

  11. Back of the packet on the left side as your looking at it. its stamped into the sealed part of the packaging and you may need to use the lighting to catch it in the glare to see it correctly.

    These have just started turning up at Tescos in the UK. Last 2 days theve arrived and they seem to be packed in order, found all the 07 at the back right of the box, then 08 etc etc – the mystery and ultra rare seem to be placed in randomly – found the soldier and the watcher + whole set between 2 boxes.

  12. anyone who want series 9 codes ive commented on the post that shows all 8 figures 🙂 btw the entertainer has series 9 in already 😀

  13. Found Series 8 Mystery packs at TRU in the Metro Detoit area finally (both 103 and 113 codes). None at Walmart, lots of series 7 (found 5 Ultra Rare).

    Has anyone gotten a A18113MM Series 8 yet? I haven’t opened it, hopefully someone else knows what it is.


      • I have seen A18103MM as the Orange AC Watcher, the one I have is A18113MM. From another site someone told me they thought it was the Green AC Chase figure based on the number pattern.

        I will check the package, if its the Orange Watcher I should be able to feel the clear stick inside.


  14. I found this code at local Walmart. A21103MM. Inside was 2 figures:

    1.Red Covenant Storm Elite
    2.Clear Green Spartan Mark VI

    • I got one of those too, in Australia. Same code with Green translucent spartan & Red Covenant. Nice find. 🙂

  15. I got a bag with a code of A17103MM and it had the Purple Spartan mark VI(A16103MM) and a black/transparent elite spec ops guy(No code on the stand). I’ll email a picture to anyone who wants proof

    • Look on the top of the stand you should find of cuz that’s what happend with mine in series 7 on the yellow trans spartan

  16. Used the info in the above comments to make this. Some of the translucents I guessed on (like the A15113MM and the A18113MM) since the general pattern was that the 103MM code were just being subtracted by 3 to get the 113MM codes.

    A07103MM, A04113MM – Orange Spartan HAZOP
    A08103MM, A05113MM – Green Spartan Operator
    A09103MM, A06113MM – Promethean Crawler
    A10103MM, A07113MM – Red Covenant Storm Elite
    A16103MM, A13113MM – Purple UNSC Spartan Mark VI

    A14103MM, A11113MM – Promethean Watcher
    A15103MM, A12113MM – Gold Spartan Air Assault

    Ultra Rare
    A11103MM, A08113MM – Stealth Grey Spartan Soldier

    A17103MM, A14113MM – Smokey Elite Zealot w/ Purple Spartan
    A18103MM, A15113MM – Orange Watcher w/ Orange HAZOP
    A21103MM, A18113MM – Green Spartan w/ Red Elite

  17. Funny all I find is the ultra rare spartan, I found 5 in one box and now have over 30 of them , I am looking for the smokey zealot and green spartan w red elite, I would gladly trade some of what I have, I have over 40 rare gold spartan and rare watchers, I would trade 2 of mine for one of the ones I need

    • I agree I have found several UR Spartans. If anyone has a Orange Watcher/Orange Hazop (one of each code would be awesome). Let me know, I have tons of mystery packs Series 4 – Series 8 for trade (or purchase). Thanks, Eric

      • I would like to purchase a set of series 4 I was late to collecting mega blocks as I focused on all halo comics,I will also be on the look out for the orange watcher for you I have only found one but today to no surprise I found 11 more ultra rare Spartans go figure,it seems as if here in my city the red elite and mystery packs are the rare ones

        • I would need to double check but my list currently shows I have the following (sorry no rare or ultra rare).

          Arctic UNSC Pilot (Common) A09121MM
          Green UNSC Marine (Common) A12121MM
          Blue Covenant Elite (Common) A14121MM
          Copper Covenant Brute (Common) A15121MM
          Crimson Elite Pilot (Common) A16121MM

          Please email me if your interested in getting the ones I have via trade or purchase, email is Thanks.

    • I have the exact same isssue, found the set no problem, orange watcher in the first box i checked but the rest? Not a sniff… i did wonder if some mysterys are rarer than others, or more likely; if when there being distributed certain areas/countrys get more of one type due to the way there being sent out.

  18. If anyone has :

    Promethean Watcher AC Orange w/ Hazop Mystery Chase – (A18103MM or A15113MM)
    Spartan Mark VI Green w/ Red Covenant Storm Elite Mystery Chase – (A21103MM)

    Please let me know, I can send a trade list or if you want to sell email address is above. Thanks in advance. Eric

    • I found you an orange watcher but the package is a little torn I guess someone just tore them open looking instead of using the codes,but hey guess what I found 3 more ultra rare Spartans ,the orange watcher is complete just a little opened let me know if you want it if not I can keep looking for you,I can’t find the green one or smoke zealot

    • Ok I will try to send you a pick, I will just trade you but I paid 2.99 for it so no big deal I’m not out to make money on them

      • Cool, thanks. I will look for the email. Let me know what your looking for in trade.

  19. I forgot to mention if anyone is looking for world of Warcraft season one I picked up 4 complete sets with all the rare , ultra rare and chase figures I don’t collect them or need them I bought them just to trade as I’m not into Warcraft mega bloks but the toys r us happened to put out 6 boxes as I was there so it was by luck

    • Today was an odd day I found 5 complete sets of translucents target has the orange watcher, Walmart had the green recruit and toys r us had the smoke zealot

  20. I don’t think series 8 or any of the figures in this series are rare or even hard to find,I am finding them all real easy even all of the translucents,it seems as if they are flooding the market or over produced them , every where I go I see 5 or 6 boxes on shelves very full, i think series 1 thru 7 where much difficult to complete,the ultra rare spartan is a joke , I find 2 or 3 in a box, so nothing is really rare,

  21. So yesterday I went to target. They had the cyclops I wanted but not the pelican. They only had series 8 there and I reall wanted a crawler. So in my anger I bought all the blind bags there. 14 in all. Two soldiers three watchers one gold one orange one elite two purple one green with silver visor and one green with gold visor. Last of all I got two crawlers!!!

  22. I have a green spartan with a golden visor when it’s suppose to have silver. I got a silver one too from a different bag

  23. I’m curiose to what I have. Either it’s something special. A misprint. Or just something else.

  24. I’m looking for some figures, if you have some or know someone who could help me, it would be appreciated (i’m interested by figures opened and sealed)
    A18103MM, A15113MM – Orange Watcher w/ Orange HAZOP