I get a couple messages from readers in my inbox every week asking if the Halo McFarlane Toys line of action figures and vehicles is dying. Unfortunately, I’m not on Todd McFarlane’s Christmas card list and the development team over at McFarlane Toys doesn’t invite me over for weekly tea, so I’m not privy to that knowledge. But since Halo toy news has been a little slow this past week, I thought I’d weigh in and give my input on the subject…
My knee-jerk reaction to the question of whether or not the McFarlane Halo figures line is dying would be a straight-up “Hell no!”. But that’s also not a very analytical answer, and I think I’d be doing a disservice to the Halo toys collecting community if I stopped there. I want to look at this issue as scientifically-minded as possible, so let’s compile the evidence.
The Good News:
The Halo 4 Series 2 figures are coming out in September. It’s eight months later than we’d anticipated, but at least the word “cancelled” was never thrown around for this series. Prototypes have been on Halo Waypoint, the series has been resolicited–it’s coming. It’s annoying that we had to wait, but at least we know with certainty that we’ll be getting figures like the Halo 4 Spartan CIO, Storm Jackal, and so forth.
McFarlane Toys unexpectedly brought a brand-new and all-awesome prototype of The Didact Halo 4 deluxe action figure with them to Toy Fair 2013, and he’s also scheduled to arrive in September 2013. First off, no–I’m certain Series 2 wasn’t delayed so the Didact could ship alongside it. Secondly, it’s a very encouraging sign that McFarlane Toys was willing to invest the big bucks in tooling a huge deluxe figure for which none of the parts tooled can be used in pretty much any other figure or project.
Halo Avatars Series 2 was released to stores last month. I’m aware that (many) people hate this line and think it’s a waste of McFarlane Toys’ time to work on it, but the fact is that these goofy little plastic figures sold well enough and generated enough profit for McFarlane to greenline a second series, whereas Halo Micro Ops did not. What’s good for McFarlane Toys is good for Halo collectors, so if these Halo XBox Live Avatars figures are somehow making money, then that’s great.
McFarlane Toys was literally able to sneak a Gamestop Powerup Rewards Red Spartan Warrior figure all the way through production without fans knowing–we literally learned about him days before Gamestop started mailing them! It’s a big plus that McFarlane Toys was able to sell 3,000 of these Spartan Warriors to Gamestop, and it also demonstrates that McFarlane Toys can be working on projects without us having any clue whatsoever. For all we know, the prototypes for Halo 4 Series 3 (and Series 4!) could already be reaching completion.
McFarlane Toys has undeniably had a troublesome last year of trying to release Halo product, which has led to a number of projects being scrapped. Here’s a recap of some of McFarlane Toys’ struggles:
Halo Micro Ops was tragically cancelled after just one series, despite the prototypes making it all the way to the back of the Halo Legends: The Package box set packaging.
As a cost-cutting measure, the extremely popular Spawn.com Forums were shut down, effectively reducing communication between McFarlane Toys and Halo collectors to zero (or negative fifty).
Halo Universe Series 1 (including the much-wanted ODST Romeo figure) was cancelled altogether. Retail support was apparently so poor that no prototypes were ever even being shown publicly.
The fact that the Halo 3 Campaign Co-Op set ended up being a short-run Amazon exclusive because other retailers didn’t pick the set up is not exactly a positive sign.
The Verdict: In summary, do I think that McFarlane is going to call it quits on their main line of Halo action figure any time soon? Nope. The evidence doesn’t suggest that at all–Halo 4 Series 2 could have been delayed for any number of reasons we’re not privy to, including factory delays or a delayed approval process by Microsoft.Β All I see is that several spinoff attempts like Halo Micro Ops and Halo Universe weren’t strong enough to succeed outside of the main line.
Do I think that McFarlane Toys is probably done with trying to make offshoot lines that flop over and over, such as Halo Micro Ops or the Halo Mini Helmets? Yes. Yes, I do. Do I think we’re in any danger at this time of not seeing a Halo 4 Series 3 in the winter? Nope–it’ll be there. I have no doubt at all.
What do you think, readers? Is the McFarlane Halo line on its last legs? Leave a reply and let me know your thoughts!

Ok, bro i found one website saying that they could be pushed forward, they said something about them being released later this spring. However, its interesting that they have shown us he prototypes for halo 4 series 2,which means that are very reliable friends Macfarlane Toys, might actually have them close to ready.
I’d love to see the website if you could post the link?
It would be really sad i love the halo figures there is just something special about seeing the brand new figures in stores bringing them home and being able to display it with all the others. I am looking forward to the Assassins creed figures but hopefully Mcfarlane doesn’t neglect the Halo series.
And it is really to bad about the micro ops i really loved them except for the high ground sets because of the price but i was hoping to see a pelican, scorpion, wraith, and the best a huge scarab the only good thing is how cheap the left over micro ops are in the stores i just got 2 falcons 75% off.
Considering how huge Halo is I’d be very surprised if the line was in trouble.
I cant tell I really do not collect mcflare toys all I have is, ODST from the halo 3 line, an elite general from the halo reach line, a noble 6 from the halo reach line, a cloaked special ops elite, and a special ops grunt from the halo reach line, and last a Master chief that came with the cryo tube. And I got all those for christmas except the ODST. So I would say yes.
how is the amount of figures you have relevant?
About 60 to 70$ well I did not get them all for this christmas i got some from my grandma 2 years ago value has probaly gone down the cloaked elite helmet is missing and his leg falls off now and then. Right now probably 30 to 40 dollars.
ok so the demand of older figures is not that good and the quality has been this way for a while so…. forgive me if i seem vague or rude but i still don’t see how the figures you own are relevant to the discussion at hand.
I am sorry but I dont know what realevent means I am only in 7th grade I guess your right about the price value probaly has gone down but as I said before I really dont keep up with mcflare toys all I pretty much collect are megabloks price is probaly well between 15 to 20 dollars sorry I did not understand you before. What is your favorite figure they have realesed.
McFarlane kinda killed the line with Reach and Anniversary stuff being on shelf at the same time. I created a glut of product. The line just can’t afford 2 similar-yet-different lines of action figures. The brand is still recovering at retail. Having to clearance so much stuff from those lines probably has made retailers a little gunshy about ordering Halo 4 stuff too heavily.
Agreed. My local Walmart doesn’t even carry any Halo McFarlane toys now. Another factor I think may have contributed to this is the character selection in the lines. I don’t think any kid would buy a Jacob Keyes figure and only a few would buy the Cortana “figure”. Leave figures like that as exclusives and replace their slots with more desirable ones, such as Elite or Spartan permutations.
So true. My local Walmart and Target stores still have the Jacob Keyes and Cortana figures. These two figures seem stay on the rack even after discounts. The sad thing is, they’re the only halo figures these stores have in stock.
If you are talking to me about $60 to $70 dollars if you are not talking to me ignore this sorry.
I’m not a Halo gamer, but I don’t think a lot of people liked the re-designs of the new Halo figures. I’ve warmed up to the Spartans, but the Covenant and the Prometheans are ugly. Pushing back the new figures till the fall doesn’t help either. I don’t think Halo is dying. But it might take a break.
Does anyone know when halo 5 might be released.
It all depends Nick. Probably around October-November of 2015 IF they announce it at E3 of 2014. It will likely be for the next generation Xbox too. 343 are likely working too hard, on new map packs and Spartan Ops seasons for Halo 4, to even consider starting Halo 5 development until probably much later this year at the soonest. Although I’m interested to see if 343 or Microsoft have any Halo-related side projects they’ll announce at E3 this year, I highly doubt it. I expect that Microsoft’s focus will be announcing it’s next Generation Xbox at E3 2013 in June.
Also, Nick you really should stop posting here since this area is dedicated toward Halo TOY related news and info, not the Halo GAME related news and info so much. That, and most people posting here are grown-ups so we’ll just get annoyed at the stuff you post.
So I can not be here cause I am a teenager that it I was just asking a question I figured a lot of people get on here so you know I thought some one might know anything I know this is for halo toys by the way megabloks is releasing oni x sets. I hope I am not being mean but I just wanted to ask a question. Sorry just askin a question man. I love halo I just want to chat with some halo fans I am a colonel on halo reach. What rank are you? π
I know most people here are adults did you put HALO TOYS and HALO GAMES in big letters cause you thought I can not read.
I’ve been an Inheritor for over a year. I capitalized the words I did as an attempt to emphasize the difference between what you were asking/talking about to what is suppose to be asked/talked about or at least more relevant to the article of this page than just being Halo related. Hence the word “relevant” which means: Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand. I’m aware of how I probably sound at this point, which isn’t very nice, so I’m just done responding to you at this point Nick. Have fun with the rest of 7th grade.
Sorry for snapping at you man so inheritor awsome bro any way got a favorite figure that mcflare has released.
Hey guys halo megabloks is relesing some ONI X sets I got an email from them today though they may be prototypes so keep your eyes open guys I suggest they will be released with their summer collection or they might be only availible at there toy con in the UK though I am not 100% sure. Hope this helps.
I think the line has been in trouble since the halo reach figures. I didn’t like this kiddie friendly direction which Mc’farlane took. The halo 3 line was designed specifically to be proudly displayed on a shelf or in a cabinet with awash of vibrant and crisp detail. But the reach line to the halo 4 has been nonsensical, the elites in the halo reach line were a total joke, seriously; ROUNDED FEET!? You couldn’t get the buggers to stand. The human characters in the reach line were abysmal as well, no elbow articulation so they couldn’t be posed in to a braced firing position, so they even screwed up on the playability direction in which they ventured. I recently got the marvel legends dead pool yesterday and I wondered to myself: “Imagine if the Spartan’s from the halo line had this amount of articulation.”
Seriously, if hasbro of all companies can achieve a range of articulation and pose-ability with thier figures, then a company like SPAWN should have no problem replicating that amount of range in their figures.
Ive loved the line so much. But the quality has always been so iffy. I only picked up the main hero from each game. and recently, the package set. But the lacking articulation, brittle parts and cheap accesories have always hindered the line. Mcfarlane in general has always had these problems.
I got the package set yesterday at a comic con. When I opened the set to inspect them closer, it was those 3 figures alone which made me think that the entire line is a sinking ship. The Kelly figure was more or less a 6 and a bit inch statue, the John 117 figure had the same problem that the halo wars spartan figure had with lack of joints in areas which would have benefited it and the Frederich figure should have been the one with a trigger finger and not Kelly, yet another spartan laser I was forced to deface because he couldn’t hold it. I couldn’t even forcefully sheath those knives in, any more pressure applied and I would have broke them. Also, good luck getting Frederich to hold those knives… And same goes to chief with the assault rifle and the energy sword.
This a old suggestion that I thought over this time but look at the bright side this thought that I had is probably true but it has been almost a year for the halo 4 line came out. And I just wanted to say this mcfarlane may have been Changed so there probably may have different Spartans or elites in series 3 not seeing them at the toy fair does concern me and other halo figure collectors but that does not mean that they are done Todd probably wanted it to be a suprise. Halo fans keep your head up and we will see if there will be more news it may come to light hang in there everybody!
Welp. Now the line is practically dead.
Where will the funeral be?
Yeah, it’s pretty sad for everyone that invested into this “stuff” IMO. I’m sure there are some that will argue that the success of a toy line shouldn’t impact a person’s basis for the desire to collect, but I feel like I’ve spent way too much money I’d definitely never get back if I sold them. I really wanted Romeo from ODST to finally complete that team, but that’s not happening just like this toy line will never pick back up. If McFarlane could’ve just chose quality over profits maybe this line could’ve had a chance. The funeral should be at his shop in Arizona. Then again, Halo 5 is around the corner which will likely mean some more figures, but I know the release will not be huge like they use to be.