I had been planning to start my series of Halo Mega Bloks Summer 2013 set reviews with the new Battle Units, but as I started opening sets, there was an unexpected hit. One set that stood out from the rest I was opening as being the most fun and interesting and thus the one I was most excited to begin talking about. The surprise standout of the new Weapons Packs (and perhaps the small size summer Halo Mega Bloks sets altogether) is the Halo Mega Bloks Forerunner Weapons Pack 97166…

The Right:
If you’re looking for a set that you’re going to spend hours building, this isn’t it. The Halo Mega Bloks Weapons Packs are meant for quick and easy building and equipping your figures with new weapons as soon as possible, and that’s just what you get with the Forerunner Weapons Pack.
I spent maybe a minute assembling the new Forerunner Weapons Pack, but I didn’t get this set for the time spent building it–I got it for the tremendous weapons (and equipment) that comes with the set.
While we’ve had our fair share of UNSC and Covenant Weapons Packs and Armory sets in the past, this is the very first Promethean Forerunner Weapons Pack. As such, the main concern I had with this set was getting some cool Forerunner technology–with paint detailing–for the very first time. And the Halo Mega Bloks Forerunner Weapons Pack 97166 is a complete triumph as far as that goal goes.
MEGA Brands had the Mega Bloks Halo Summer 2013 Weapons Pack boxes out on display at the New York Toy Fair 2013 a few months ago, but we couldn’t see the backs of the boxes then. Now that we can, there’s a nice surprise–some of the new Halo Mega Bloks boxes now list the guns included in the sets! Not everybody is hardcore enough to differentiate a Scattershot from a Light Rifle, so this is a nice bit of extra exposition for those who can’t.
Something I hadn’t noticed in the prototypes of this summer 2013 Halo Mega Bloks set, but was immediately obvious to me after taking the set out of the box, is that MEGA Brands has changed the color of the translucent plastic “wings” on the Promethean Watcher from the color of the first Watcher release in the Cauldron Clash set. Whereas the inner wings were a pale yellow-orange previously, now they’re a much bolder and more vivid orange. This is definitely a positive change, and I’m looking forward to getting a Mega Bloks Promethean Knight now with the same dark orange translucent plastic used on its sword.
Ordinarily we get three guns with a Mega Bloks Halo Weapons Pack set, but the Forerunner Weapons Pack 97166 only includes two: a Scattershot and a Suppressor. Both weapons have a tiny bit of paint deco on them, which goes the extra mile in making them look more detailed weapons and less like plastic toys. You won’t be replacing the awesome Halo 4 Play Arts Kai Suppressor with this Mega Bloks Suppressor, but for what it is, it does its job nicely.
The Forerunner Weapons Rack itself is pretty plain, but the addition of just a few translucent orange pieces really goes a long way in making it look Forerunner. Instead of getting a third gun with Halo Mega Bloks 97166, we get something far better than any of the guns in any of the new Weapons Packs: a Forerunner Hard Light Shield! The Mega Bloks Hard Light shield is cast in translucent blue plastic that is ideal, and has every sculpted detail you’d expect molded in.
The Hardlight Shield can be handheld (as there are handles on each side), and it also can have a clear claw piece inserted into it so that it can attach to the flight stand pole that the Promethean Watcher comes with. Again–fun!!
You can position the flight stand in front of a Halo Mega Bloks Promethean Knight figure so that it looks like the Watcher is protecting the Knight with the Hard Light Shield! This is sheer genius and just tons of fun.
The Wrong:
I have just one nitpick about the 97166 Halo Mega Bloks Forerunner Weapons Pack, and it has to do with the manufacture of the set. For whatever reason, the factory printed the manufacturing stamp on one of the pieces of the Forerunner Weapons Rack that’s meant to face forward. As you can imagine, this looks more than a little ridiculous. Because, you know–the Forerunners probably didn’t hang out in China.
This isn’t a huge deal or anything, but at the same time, it is pretty annoying and inconvenient. You would think MEGA Brands would have seen the production samples early enough to catch something silly like the manufacturing stamp facing the front of a set, but I guess not.
“Where Can I Buy It?!”
I got my Halo Mega Bloks Forerunner Weapons Pack from BA Toys, where the set was priced at $6.95. BA Toys is now totally sold out of the new Summer 2013 Mega Bloks Halo Weapons Packs, but they still have pre-orders available for most of the other new sets coming out.
Overall: When MEGA Brands announced a Forerunner Weapons Pack, I knew it was going to be a good set, but I never thought I’d like it this much. The Promethean Watcher itself is improved because of the darker orange plastic, while the painted Suppressor and Scattershot are great additions to the line. But my favorite part of the set is unquestionably the Forerunner Hard Light Shield, which is absolutely perfectly executed.When the only thing I can find to complain about about a set is the manufacturing date stamp, you know MEGA Brands has done something very right. This is an outstanding set by MEGA brands, and easily worthy of buying multiples of. Highly recommended.
that hard light shield looks shined up. Now it just needs to be turned sideways, so my Master Chief figure CAN STICK IT STRAIGHT UP, A PROMETHEAN’S CANDY A$$! CAN U SMELLLLLALALALAOWW, WHAT THE ROCK. IS. COOKIN?!!!
Can’t you just turn that piece with “China” written on it around?
Nope! That piece is a sloped piece on the back, but the flat vertical side is intended to be facing forward. You can’t flip it around without messing up the intended design of the set.
I actually display all my coded bloks outward, because I think it looks cool, and it tells when the set was manufactured. I am loving that orange color on the watcher. 😀 Can you post a picture of a Knight holding the Suppressor? I would like to see that. 😉
Just file off the china part
The Security Spartan II’s chest seems to be a new mold, at least I haven’t seen it before. It appears to be the MJOLNIR Mark II VI chest from Halo 2 and 3. Unlike the Spartan II’s we got before which were rocking the Mark IV (or whatever Halo Wars armor is) but I for one am very glad we are getting more of the Armour Variants from Halo 3. Maybe they will even go back and redo the disaster they call the Scout Chest.
From your review you not only want 1 of those weapons pack but at least 2 or 3
I want at least three, if for no other reason than to army-build Hard Light Shields for cheap.
THIS DOESN’T HAVE TO WITH THIS but to anybody reading this what is your favorite halo novel and if you think you are a halo fan but you haven’t read any halo books you should read at least one before actually calling yourself a halo fan
Halo: The Flood. Never played Combat Evolved, but that book made me want to.
NOT trying to offend anybody. My favorite is the Thursday wars then contact harvest
There’s not enough Karen Traviss fans out there. Glad to hear from a fellow Kilo-Five Lover! =D
Sorry i meant from my first comment your review made me want to buy at least 2or 3 of the Promethean weapons pack
Hey guys kinda off topic but Xbox one does not require always on internet connection! It also gets rid of the trading games problem. Its now the same as always we can trade a game just by handing it to a freind! Im so HAPPY!!! Still i dont like the idea of the kinect always on. It bugs me and it seems like it will get in my way while playing. Lets show our opinions to microsoft and hopefully the will understand!
-btw the review was awesome! Im going to get it(im gonna get all the weapons packs 🙂 this summer!
This doesnt has to do with the review but i think ba tots price is a little overpriced compared to target’s: $24 to $15, but target doesn’t has in stock right now so i’ll have to pay $9 more :/
What set are you talking about…? BA Toys doesn’t have any of the new sets priced at $24. I’m not sure what you’re looking at.
Sorry i looked wrong it is $22 and it is the stealth cyclops. It still a little more expensive though
I mean about the stealth cyclops
On further investigation i once again trust in ba toys, the cyclops pack of 4 is cheaper than buying all individualy