It’s been a grueling two months-plus since the summer 2013 wave of Halo Mega Bloks sets debuted at Toy Fair 2013, as collectors have been waiting patiently (and also impatiently) for pre-orders to be posted for the incredible Halo Mega Bloks Summer 2013 series. There’s been a few false starts, leaks, and listings put up too early, but at long last, the newest Halo Mega Bloks sets are all up for pre-order at BA Toys…!
I hope you’ve been saving up your money, Halo collectors (I wish I had been), because MEGA Brands has a fortune’s worth of new Halo Mega Bloks items set to ship out this summer! In total, MEGA Brands has 18 new Halo Mega Bloks sets (plus the Halo Mega Bloks Series 7 figures) due to come out this summer! In case you’re having trouble remembering the multitude of sets being released and what exactly is in each one, be sure to check out the Full Summer 2013 Halo Mega Bloks Lineup News Summary post I made a few months ago.
It looks like the sets are going to be divided up across June and July shipping dates, with the estimated schedule being as follows…
Covenant Weapon Pack
UNSC Weapons Pack
Forerunner Weapons Pack
UNSC C&C Console (Build-A-Booster Frame Set)
Forerunner Terminal (Build-A-Booster Frame Set)
UNSC Hangar Deck (Build-A-Booster Frame Set)
Brute Battle Pack Combat Unit
ODST Battle Pack Combat Unit
UNSC Siege Bike
ONI Light Assault VTOL
Arctic Cyclops
Stealth Attack Cyclops
Desert Strike Cyclops
Jungle Strike Cyclops
UNSC Night Ops Gausshog (with Lights & Sounds)
UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra (with Lights & Sounds)
UNSC Hornet vs. Covenant Vampire (with Lights & Sounds)
UNSC Pelican Gunship (with Lights & Sounds)
Remember, these June/July shipping dates are the dates that the sets will be released from online retailer BA Toys. They get everything first, so these sets will take an additional 1-2 months to hit regular retail outlets. I order all my Halo Mega Bloks online from BA Toys, which is how I’m able to post full reviews and photo galleries within a few days of the first sighting of every set, so obviously I highly recommend them as a retailer.
Which of these Summer 2013 sets are you most excited for, Halo fans?

I wish I had more room for these. I might have to hold off for awhile…
same here I have to use a giant table and I ran out of space so I had to use another table and I ran out of space there:/
watch my video on youtube called my giant battle scapes
I think this is going to be a great summer for megabloks because im definitley going to buy the majority of these sets. Thanks for the news!
Are you the same didact that is working on halo homefront?
man i cant wait for these sets. saved up 60 bucks for these. i really want the VTOL and the assault bike. XD
I want to see more odst vs covenant sets
And fireteam majest, captin Lasky, Commander Palmer and the didact