This weekend we’ll all turn our calendars to September 2013, which means we’ll be within one month of the anticipated release date of McFarlane Toys’ Halo 4 Series 2 figures set. Officially scheduled to arrive in October 2013, online retailers will hopefully begin receiving Halo 4 Series 2 by late September 2013. But now that we’re on the verge of this long-awaited Halo figures set being released, I have to pose the following question to all the McFarlane Halo figure collectors out there: Are You Still Going to Buy Halo 4 Series 2?
It’s been over a year now since McFarlane Toys launched their Halo 4 Series 1 action figure line, and close to a year since they’ve released a set of new Halo 4 figures. As things stand, we have a grand total of just a dozen Halo 4 figures one year into the line. One year into the lifespan of the Halo Reach figures line, McFarlane Toys had already released dozens of Halo Reach action figures. Clearly, something has gone astray. And I’m wondering–just a little bit–if Halo 4 Series 2 is too little, too late.
Personally, McFarlane Halo figure collecting has lost a lot of its luster for me over the course of the past year. I’ve started collecting the incredible Square-Enix Halo Play Arts Kai figures (you can check out my reviews of them in the Reviews Index), and I’ve been mesmerized with the breadth and depth of the Halo Mega Bloks line (which now contains almost every single pre-Halo 4 vehicle that you can imagine).
Halo 4 Play Arts Kai has given us a spectacular Halo 4 Sarah Palmer figure. Halo Mega Bloks has produced all manner of Spartan armor permutations, various Promethean Forerunner types and even Halo 4 themed playsets. Meanwhile, the McFarlane Toys Halo figures line has stagnated and is on life support. The entire McFarlane Halo 4 toys line consists of: Master Chief, Cortana, Elite Zealot, Storm Grunt, Promethean Watcher, Promethean Crawler, Promethean Knight, three Warriors Spartans and two Spartan Soldiers. It’s pretty bare-bones and hard to get excited about such a paltry selection after over a year.
So will I be collecting Halo 4 Series 2? Yeah… I will. I’ve had the series on pre-order for close to a year now–I’ve been waiting for these figures for such a long time that there’s no way I would not buy them at this point. But I also won’t be collecting them with the ardor and unbridled enthusiasm that I collected past series. Instead, it will be with a wariness that Halo McFarlane figures may be coming to an end, and that any future series will likely be coming after a very long wait (if at all).
What about you, Halo collectors? Are you still going to buy McFarlane Halo 4 Series 2? Are you still collecting Halo McFarlane Toys figures? Why or why not? Leave a reply so we can get a discussion going–I’m really curious to see the present attitudes of the Halo collecting community!

I’m buying all of them besides Master Chief. I already own the Series 1 Chief and Cryotube Chief. I’m hoping that the McFarlane Halo line keeps going because they are pretty good figures considering the price. The Square Enix figures are awesome but you will never see them make anything other than the main characters.
Waited so long for this wave that I lost interest and cancelled my preorder recently.
Will always be a Halo fan so thankfully there are other products to whet my appetite.
I think the high point of the McFarlane series were those awesome Warthogs.
Too bad that Falcon never went into production. Still got my fingers crossed, but
this line appears to be stagnating. 🙁
Chief is still on my to-get list. The only MC I have is the Anniversary Mk.V figure, so a H4 Chief would be nice. The addition of an in-scale Cortana also helps. Only thing I’m not big on is the included weapon. I might have to hunt down an AR for him to hold.
I might also get the Jackal, but I want to see it in-person before deciding. Only Covenant I have so-far are Elites and Grunts. Adding more variation to their forces wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Neither of the MP Spartans interests me. I don’t like the look of the CIO armor, and while I like the Scout armor, I’m not a fan of that color. I’m also not a fan of that Elite’s armor. Though my feelings on that could change once I see it in-person, and whether or not I finally get a series 1 Zealot.
I just hope we don’t have to wait as long for more figures as we have for these. There’s plenty they could be doing with this line, but aren’t. I’m not sure adding the DLC will help them recover from the huge delay, let alone the bad sales from before it. The DLC is a nice addition, but honestly, I’m not going to be getting any more figures than I would have if they didn’t have it.
As much as I dislike the pointless stylization they give everything they do, even I’m now considering getting a Playarts Kai Palmer, just to have a representation of her. That said, part of me would still be utterly shocked if McFarlane doesn’t ever release a figure of her. All the tooling is there after-all. Even if I would prefer a version with either an alternate head, or just an un-helmeted head….which I could see them “saving for later”, or just not doing at all.
I personally have almost no interest in the McFarlane figures (maybe if I could afford them). I think the Play Arts Kai figures are awesome, but I only bought one (blue warrior) and it may be the only one I buy unless they make a Didact. My true collecting soul is owned my Mega Bloks. I have almost EVERY single set and figure from the Mega Bloks line. I have no intention of slowing down… unless they make a set that costs $500+ which would be a turn-off for me.
I think my addiction to the Halo Mega Bloks series comes from my interest in Halo and building blocks when I was young. I built many of the sets but then stopped because I don’t have time for them anymore. I don’t have any intention of reselling them unless the price is ridiculously high.
Unlike you, I have to have those crazy colored figures :p
I haven’t completely made up my mind; maybe when I see them I will feel different but McFarlane has been such a let down lately, cancelling some of the highly anticipated figures and vehicles makes it kinda hard to get excited about the future of the line.
I seriously doubt I’ll be getting many. After Halo Reach, McFarlane doesn’t seem to care about the Halo fanbase anymore. I might get the Spartan Scout and the Elite Ranger, but that’s all. Hell, why buy McFarlane toys if there are other companies (like Mega Bloks) who release toys almost every few months?