In the article over the weekend where I discussed McFarlane Toys Halo 4 Wave 2, I made the mistake of griping about the blue Spartan Soldier in the set, complaining that I would have much rather had a new color like orange for the Spartan Soldier instead of the blue Spartan Soldier we were shown. I should’ve been careful what I wished for, as this week McFarlane Toys actually announced the orange Spartan Soldier I was asking for: as the sole exclusive figure in one of two new Halo 4 Boxed Sets of action figures coming this winter.
A lot of Halo collectors used to complain profusely in the olden days about McFarlane Toys creating too many exclusive Spartan figures. It looked like that practice was dying with the beginning of the Halo 4 line, but it actually may be getting worse instead…
Shipping in November will be two new Halo 4 action figure multipacks, each with one exclusive Spartan Soldier. Target stores will be receiving a second Halo 4 Collector’s Boxed Set of 4 figures containing the Master Chief, a Watcher, a Crawler, and an exclusive purple Spartan Soldier. Meanwhile, various stores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Toys R Us will be releasing a Halo 4 5-Pack Boxed Set of action figures including the Master Chief (again), a Crawler (again), a Watcher (again), Cortana, and an exclusive orange Spartan Soldier.
Sound like fun to you? No…? Me neither. It was obnoxious back in the old Halo 3 days having to buy store exclusives for $11.99-$19.99 each (though I loved those D&R Lineups pink Spartans, even at ~$20+ each), but I think it’s far worse that McFarlane Toys is going to force collectors to buy $40-$50 sets just to get one new figure. In the Halo Reach line, there was a preview boxed set with a green Spartan Mark V that was the set’s sole exclusive, but that was the only set like that. For Halo 4, we’re already going to have three exclusives just in Series 1 requiring purchasing a bunch of repacked figures to obtain: the blue Spartan Warrior, orange Spartan Soldier, and purple Spartan Solider.
I’ll be purchasing the Halo 4 5-Pack, as I really want the orange Spartan Soldier and the set negates the need to purchase Halo 4 Series 1 Extended. But even as much as I love the McFarlane Toys Halo figures, even I don’t know if I’m up for dropping an additional $40 just to get the purple Spartan Soldier and a bunch of figures I’ll already have including yet another Master Chief.
What say you, Halo collectors? Are you excited for these Halo 4 Boxed Sets? Frustrated? Eager to buy? Vote in this week’s poll and leave a reply to let us know your feelings on these sets!
Which of the McFarlane Toys Halo 4 Boxed Sets Will You Buy?
- None of them! (37%, 50 Votes)
- The Halo 4 5-Pack with the Orange Spartan Soldier (31%, 42 Votes)
- The Halo 4 Collector's Pack with the Purple Spartan Soldier (20%, 27 Votes)
- The Halo 4 Collector's Pack with the Blue Spartan Warrior (13%, 17 Votes)
Total Voters: 120

I’m not getting any of them. Not that I think they are a rip-pff I just think the Blue Soldier is the best.
Living outside the US, any of the sets will be impossible to get, unless I am willing to pay scalper prices. So it looks like I will go without. This is why I hate exclusives!
you guys are wrong….they are the best!!!!! 🙂 🙂