Last month Microsoft unveiled their next-generation games console, the XBox One, along with a cavalcade of information about multimedia features of the system and the announcement of the upcoming Halo The Television Series. Today, the world’s eyes turned to Microsoft again, as at E3 2013 Microsoft not only announced the release month and price of the XBox One, but also put the XBox One Up for pre-order, announced the XBox One Day One Edition bonuses and showed the very first Halo 5 Trailer teaser!
First up, let me talk briefly about the XBox One itself. I’m not entirely thrilled about some of the greedy money-mongering that Microsoft is doing with regard to their opaque XBox One Used Games Policy and the weird “must connect online every 24 hours” policy.
That said, Microsoft has guaranteed my launch date purchase of the XBox One with the newly-unveiled XBox One Day One Edition. The Day One Edition XBox One will come with an exclusive limited-edition controller, premium packaging, a special decal, and a redemption code for a Day One Achievement. Microsoft hasn’t explained the specifics of any of the XBox One Day One Edition bonuses yet, but I know I want them anyway. Hey, what can I say, I’m a collector?
The XBox One is now available for pre-order with no tax and free shipping from Amazon. At 5oo bucks, it’d cost me $40 extra in tax to get the XBox One at my local stores, so I’m gonna be getting mine from Amazon, thank you kindly.
Meanwhile, at the Microsoft E3 2013 Conference we also got an ever-so-brief first glimpse at what is believed to be the Halo 5 video game (and that’s what I’m going to call it until I hear otherwise). The Halo 5 trailer was a total tease, and I was completely taken in and tricked by Microsoft–until he threw off the cloak, I genuinely had no idea that was going to be the Master Chief! I really thought it was going to be some random desert-wandering game like Prince of Persia or something. I truly did not expect to see anything Halo for XBox One just yet!
We didn’t get to see much in the Halo 5 teaser trailer (unless you count sand), but I’m getting really excited anyway–this is the future of Halo toys, after all! I’m absolutely in for some crazy Halo 5 toys like a robed Master Chief and a giant alien robot, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The Halo 5 video game won’t be released until 2014, so there’s plenty of time to develop new Halo 5 toys and action figures. Get to work, McFarlane Toys!
What do you think, Halo fans? Were you impressed with the Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference? Are you going to order an XBox One Day One Edition console, or are you holding out for 2014 and Halo 5?

I thought this was an amazing teaser trailer. It has a good amount of mystery build up, then once you find out it’s Halo you are blown away. I thought the games looked great on it. I’m definitely getting the Xbox One Day One Edition. I only hope they don’t have any issues like the 360 had.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gggggggggggggggggggggggooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is Chief wearing a cloak when he wears the most badass suit ever built by man?
Oh well. I guess we all want to look like jedis…
Guess he wants it clean kept from the sand storm!
Chief has to wear the cloak because they don’t serve his kind at Mos Eisley! : )
Cloak reminds me of Sandrock from Gundam Wing. Graphics looked the same as H4.
Hey Dabid, what do you think about Destiny? Do you think it will also get a huge toy franchise?
Really surprised they have something this early even for a teaser, but im absolutely intrigued though! Although its reminiscent of Forerunner technology im hopeful/prayerful its Precursor although that’s highly doubtful. While i would love an early Halo 5, im still crying for a Halo 2 Anniversary next year.
That would be sweet if it was a precursor! Though I think I read somewhere that Precursors are flood-like beings, and this guy does not look like a flood. Could be wrong though :/
that’s probably not an actual Precursor, but it might be Precursor technology. The Precursors were living creatures not machines.
You can check at either Halo Nation or Halopedia or read Halo: Silentinum, but your quite right an unknown number of precursors that survived the Forerunner’s genocidal campaign against them either went into suspended animation or turned themselves into a fine dust that would regenerate to their former selves, however the dust was defective over time and the end result was the beginning of the Flood. Some of their tech was said to have survived the halo effect if they were buried deep underground i don’t know if that right or speculation
I love halo and all but from what i hear the xbox one is going to be a rip-off, i have both a 360 and a ps3 so ps4 is next, whoes buying an xbox one?
I’m getting one just for the sake of future halo games, and I will probably just get Destiny on it too.
Hey we need to boycott the new xbox! I like it but it has to always be online to play(every 24 hrs). Also you NEED Kinect on all the time! Also the only way you can sign in is to walk in front of it when you are starting it up, so lets say if you want to use your brothers gold then he has to come in and walk in front of it and sign in. Also you know when you have a really nice friend and they let you borrow it, well it wont be that simple anymore. Now you have to pay to play agame you dont own. Another thing is that kinect is always on so you could say something during one of your mlg matches and it takes you to your xbox home. Another thing about it always on is that it watches you and listens to you constantly! I would like at least some privacy. Im not hating on xbox, its just that i expect better from microsoft. I will not buy it unless they get rid of the listed features and i think many people are on the same track as me. Go tell your freinds or people on the web and maybe microsoftwill reconsider and maybe i will buy their new xbox. spread this info!
We won’t be able to play a game without paying the creators who put blood sweat and tears into it? Oh no!
I do not like the online every 24 hours one. What if we go on holiday or something and we can’t play!?
What has happened to this country? I am the only one tired of all the whining? You don’t like the new xbox, fine, don’t buy one, problem solved. I am not buying it because $500 is too pricey for me, and my 360 is sufficient, with plenty of titles to keep me busy for a while.
I think Chief still has armor on, he probably just upgraded components with some of the Spartan 4 options that were more advanced than his old Mark VI. It seems Halo 5 might take a turn towards just Cheifs story, and let other games give the POV from the Spartan program.
What country is this exactly?? I’m from Denmark… And yes, I kind of agree with you about the whining. :/ My last comment was supposed to be more of a question.
When you are playing, your Xbox will have to log on at least once in a 24 hour period to continue playing. It doesn’t mean you have to log in every single day to be able to use your Xbox. If you aren’t playing, it doesn’t matter if you can connect or not. And it doesn’t need a constant connection, just a single log on per day and you are good to go.
To the crazy Halomb dude, holy crap, relax! Try doing some actual research instead of listening to the crazy rants of your other forum buddies, you won’t sound so nuts. Blow things out of proportion much?
Yeah I eventually figured that out XD. Thanks anyways.
I am still wondering what will happen if I lose Internet connectivity for over 24 hours. Basically, any huge storm could lose me my ability to play games.
im not whining its just that do you want to be watched 24/7 i dont feel comfortable with that. Also i love the idea of backwards compatibility. I think youre the one thats wrong because you are agreeing with this. I think you should reconsider and i also dont want to spend 500$ on it either. I think microsoft is going to kill themselves. I am also no a playstation fanboy either. Just listen and please understand and thanks for reading my comments.
Trust me. You aren’t interesting enough to watch. This isn’t an insult, but do you really think Microsoft cares about what anyone is doing in their living rooms? Also it would be impossible to have someone watching everyone 24/7.
This stuff is too easy to find. Why people don’t look for it before going on insane boycotting tirades is beyond me. OMG YOU CAN TURN THE KINECT OFF!
I preordered my Xbox One a couple days ago. Not too worried about the ‘fears’, I just want to be ready to play Halo 5. I’ll be getting a PS4 for Killzone eventually, but it can wait.
So here are the complaints:
-Has to log on to the internet once every 24 hours. Why is this a big deal? If you’re on the internet complaining about it, you probably have an internet connection so who cares. If you don’t have internet, well, it’s 2013 so…
-Always turned on Kinect
Check my link above. It can be turned off and it’s not always listening to you and can’t send any data without your permission. So a non issue. I guess the facial recognition log on seems a bit silly but I’m sure it won’t be mandatory. But again, I’m a big boy and I have my own Live account. I guess if you yell out ‘XBOX HOME!’ in the middle of a one of your heated matched, yeah, your game will get interrupted. So guess what, don’t yell that.
-No backwards compatibility
PS4 doesn’t have it either! In fact, 360 and PS3 gave up on that years ago too. Oops.
-Region locking
Until the PS3, every system was region locked and not released at the same time in every country. So again, why is this is an issue?
-No used games/can’t loan out your games
There will be used game sales, it will just work differently. You’re not dependent on the game disks once you install them so of course you can’t just go to Gamestop and sell your disks, it will be more complicated, but it will happen. I can’t loan out my games? Not too worried that my cheap friends won’t be able to mooch off me.
Sorry for my anti-rant. Bring on the new games. Especially Halo 5!
Am I the only one who thought the semi rugged looking armor/cloaked characters in Bungee’s Destiny looks kinda like the ghettup Master Chief is wearing in this trailer? Kinda interesting idea to me if they were the same game.
I want to get the Xbox one and halo five the only thing that concerns my about it is if all that stuff about not being able to play used games etc don’t really mind the 24/7 connection but what would happen if it can’t be connected all the time
Yay it doesn’t look like that will happen
I can’t wait til Xbox one comes out I’m totally going to get halo 5.the trailor was amazing.wonder what while happen
I’m totally going to get Xbox one and buy halo 5. The trailor for it look amazing.but why is master chief wearing robes and where did he get cortana’s chip from